TMEA 2015 Recap

First off, I want to thank everyone who came by the booth during TMEA. You are the reason why it is so much fun to continue to make Odd Quartet comics!

TMEA is by far the largest and most stressful convention I go to during the year. It is only stressful in the sense that I always think that I am going to mess it up somehow. But every year, things work out fine and I enjoy every minute of being there. This year seemed particularly significant because I got to see a bunch of friends that are now band directors, or who are working in the music scene somehow that I have not seen in YEARS. I joke sometimes that being a music teacher in Texas is like being in a really big family because it seems like everybody knows everybody else. But, it is the kind of family that I wouldn’t trade for anything else. I’ve known some of those people since we were in beginning band in middle school and now they are getting married and having kids!

I didn’t get a chance to go to any of the clinics, but I did get a chance to walk the exhibit floor for a bit and I will try to post some of those photos here, or on the Facebook page for you. A quick note about the store – TMEA went so well that we are sold out of certain shirt sizes and designs for now. I am going to be reordering most of those designs this week so that they can be restocked as soon as possible. Thanks again to everyone who came by the booth and thank you for supporting Odd Quartet. I will do my best to keep making Odd Quartet better and better.