Site Updates!

You may notice that the site may look different from the last time you visited. If it does look different, don’t worry, just clear your browser cache and it should look the same as it did before. So, why all the hullabaloo about updating the site if it should look the same as it did before?

Well, it’s all because of spam. No, I’m not talking about everyone’s favorite potted meat. I’m talking about internet spam. For about a month, this scene greeted me every time I opened up the website:

Needless to say, there was a lot of spam floating around in the comments area of the website. Thankfully 99% of the spam was just spam links created by a “feature” in WordPress that allows outside links to show up in the comments area. I wasn’t really worried about it because I don’t use the native WordPress comment tool, I use Disqus. Now, Disqus does a great job of hiding those nasty spam links which is awesome. However, it was still bugging me that these useless links were out there on the site just taking up space. So, I disabled the “feature”, did a backup of the databases, got rid of the offending spam, and got around to a few updates for the site that I have been meaning to install. Unfortunately, some of the updates can mess around with the way the site shows up in your browser. So, after staying up ’til 3:30 this morning and doing some more troubleshooting for the past few hours, the site should be more awesome and less spammy from now on!! Now, back to drawing some comics.